Friday, November 16, 2012

UCC Take Action The "Fiscal Cliff"

The UCC has a Take Action page as a result of the Justice and Peace Ministry.  They have worked on subjects such as racism, marriage equality , anti bullying etc.
The current topic is the Fiscal Crisis.  They urge members of the UCC churches to take action to avoid a recession.  Here is a copy of the e-mail I received:

With the election behind us, Congress will soon be debating the so-called “fiscal cliff.” Congress has already approved a mix of spending cuts and tax increases that, if unchanged, will sharply reduce the 2013 deficit and, according to experts, likely cause a recession.
Vertical SolidarityCongress must not push the economy into a recession next year. The deficit must be reduced with a scalpel, not an ax.
But what spending should continue and what should be cut? Whose taxes should rise and whose should not? The details are vitally important. Read more, then contact Congress about this critical issue.
The federal budget is a moral document. Our nation’s taxes and spending priorities must reflect our values. This wealthy nation can avoid a fiscal showdown without punishing poor families, raising unemployment, or increasing inequality.
Learn more and contact Congress about this critical issue.


By clicking on the link above you can go to the web and see  more information and a form letter which you can personalize and send to your congress  person and senator.  Just as I can not tell you how to vote, I can't tell you what to do about this.  It is up to you to decide what you want to do, all I can do is give you the information. 

Jeannette Brown
UCC Representative. 

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